Impact Site Challenge Mode

Описание к видео Impact Site Challenge Mode

Really happy with this!

5/5 levels done now, which means for the first time ever (I believe) the RTA WR in all Challenge Mode levels belongs to the same person.

This current run is beatable, especially with r-y drop. I believe more research needs to be done specifically with red-yellow drop, as it can be very fast.

The post-beetle part of this run was very very fast, everything went perfectly and I definitely got lucky with the pellet drops in the end. Ensuring i had 3 or more yellows in the final area made throwing up to the yellow 5 pellet much faster, so I could get to the last 5 pellet that gets collected much sooner.

You can use any breadbug drops that are different colours. r-b is fast in the same way y-b is fast. If you get r-y then you can do a fast thing which is grow 30 ASAP then get the 10 pellets. With this particular drop I have been able to get to the beetle about 15s (!!!) faster, and yet you lose time later because you didn't get all the blue 5 pellets yet due to the route priority.

RTA (Real Time Attack) SS (Single Segment)


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