185 # बुद्ध तथा उनके सन्देश - सुनिए बदलते कश्मीर की कहानी धर्म की जुबानी History of Kashmir

Описание к видео 185 # बुद्ध तथा उनके सन्देश - सुनिए बदलते कश्मीर की कहानी धर्म की जुबानी History of Kashmir

Buddha tatha unke sandesh Suniye badlte kashmir ki kahani Dharma ki jubani, History of Kashmir
Buddhism in Kashmir
Stupa Jayendra Vihar at Ushkur (Huskapur) near Baramulla, Kashmir (the ladakh region has been one of the most important centres for the spread and development of Buddhism. Buddhism was an important part of the classical Kashmiri culture, as is reflected in the Nilamata Purana and the Kalhana's Rajatarangini. Buddhism is generally believed to have become dominant in Kashmir in the time of Emperor Ashoka, although it was widespread there long before his time From Kashmir, it spread to the neighbouring Ladakh. Accounts of patronage of Buddhism by the rulers of Kashmir are found in the Rajatarangini and also in the accounts of three Chinese visitors during 630-760 AD to Kashmir. It continues to flourish in the Ladakh region.
Surrendra The first known ruler of Kashmir first Buddhist ruler of Kashmir.
Mauryan period Ashoka Kalhana in his 12th century historical chronicle Rajatarangini, mentioned king Ashoka of Kashmir as a devout Buddhist, who built many stupas. The provincial capital Shrinagari Srinagar, which he established, was resplendent with prosperity and wealth.
According to some Buddhist writers including Taranatha, the Buddhist preacher Madhyantika introduced saffron cultivation into Kashmir. Buddhism and Shaivism flourished side by side in Kashmir. Kalhana notes that . In Vitastatra Vethavutur and at Shuskaletra Hukhalitar he built a number of viharas and stupas.
The Kushana period saw a great resurgence of Buddhism in Kashmir, especially during the reign of Kanishka. The fourth Buddhist Council was held in Kashmir, The south Indian Buddhist philosopher Nagarjuna lived in Kashmir during the Kushana period.
Xuanzang in Kashmir
Xuanzang arrived in Kashmir taking the route from Tibet and Ladakh. He had a significant influence in spreading Buddhism in Kashmir. When he had first arrived in Kashmir, Buddhism was a widespread religion. He later proceeded to Harsha's empire to learn more about Buddhism.
Rajavihara was built by Lalitaditya at Parihaspora. It housed a colossal statue of the Buddha besides other relics of gold and silver.
Kashmir Shaivism Kalhana's Rajatarangini mentions that a monumental metallic image of Buddha once stood in Srinagar, which was eventually by Sikandar Butshikan.
Buddhist influence in Kashmir
Kargah Buddha
Gilgit manuscripts
Dynasties of Ancient Kashmir


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