Wohlfahrt etude no.1-4 | Kreutzer no.2 - my first 5 violin etudes as an adult beginner on the violin

Описание к видео Wohlfahrt etude no.1-4 | Kreutzer no.2 - my first 5 violin etudes as an adult beginner on the violin

I finally decided to learn some etudes to help set my left and right hand technique. As you can see, I'm starting quite fresh with them but have already noticed how useful they are for warm ups and drills for the fingers. It was hard for me to get into them at the beginning because I normally just jump straight into practicing certain pieces. But I'm trying to be a better violin student ;-) and I have Beth to thank for inspiring me to give them a go. Thanks so much and I hope you are having fun practicing your favorite etudes! Please leave your favorites and I look forward to checking them out.

⇨A little bit about me:
I'm an adult beginner, independently learning how to play the violin using the wonderful world of internet and have found wonderful resources like ViolinLab, Eddy Chen and Todd Ehle (Professor V) among many other inspiring players.
◷ Playing time: 2 years + 3 months

M Y G E A R∮
VIOLIN : Gliga Maestro 2013
ROSIN: Thomastik Dominant/Pirastro Goldflex
SHOULDER REST: KUN collapsible

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  / mspolkadotz  
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