Publication-Quality Barplots for Two Factors with ggplot - Two-Way ANOVA with R - tutorial 3

Описание к видео Publication-Quality Barplots for Two Factors with ggplot - Two-Way ANOVA with R - tutorial 3

R code:

Packages: ggplot2
Main functions: ggplot, geom_bar, geom_errorbar, position_dodge, theme_bw, panel.grid.major, panel.grid.minor, element_blank, legend.position, geom_text, vjust, hjust=-0.5, show.legend, scale_fill_brewer, scale_color_brewer.

Welcome to the series of tutorials on Two-way ANOVA with R.
In this series of videos, we are going to perform a complete analysis of a two-factor factorial design.
We are going to cover the following steps :
Video tutorial 1 (   • Two-Way ANOVA with R - Analysis of Va...  ):
build a simple plot for data visualisation;
perform the analysis of variance;
Video tutorial 2 (   • Tukey's Test and Letters to Indicate ...  ):
create a table with the mean and standard deviation of each treatment;
compare the means by Tukey’s test;
use the compact letter display to indicate significant differences;
Video tutorial 3:
build a high-quality publication-grade bar plot,
letters indicating significant differences
grey-scale and colour-blind friendly
Video tutorial 4 (   • Publication-Quality Scatterplots for ...  ):
build a high-quality publication-grade scatter plot. .


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