Indiana Jones and The Emperors Tomb

Описание к видео Indiana Jones and The Emperors Tomb

This game was released for the Playstation 2 in North America on June 26, 2003.

Water restores your life.

from wikipedia:

In the jungles of British Ceylon, Indiana Jones searches for the idol of Kouru Watu. After retrieving the idol, Jones meets a Nazi agent named Albrecht Von Beck who also seeks it. Jones defeats Von Beck's paid South African ivory hunters and escapes while Von Beck is attacked by a giant albino crocodile. Back at school in New York City, Chinese official Marshall Kai Ti-chan and his female assistant Mei-Ying inform Jones of the "Heart of the Dragon," a black pearl buried with the first Emperor of China, Qin Shi Huangdi. The Heart is said to grant the wielder immense magical power, and Kai wants Jones to retrieve it before it falls into the wrong hands. Mei-Ying breaks open the Ceylon idol to find the first piece of the "Mirror of Dreams" inside, an artifact that will help navigate through the Emperor's Tomb and reveal the entrance to Huangdi's crypt.


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