Spicy Korean Sauteed Zucchini (Squash) Side Dish (호박볶음) Vegan Recipe by Omma's Kitchen

Описание к видео Spicy Korean Sauteed Zucchini (Squash) Side Dish (호박볶음) Vegan Recipe by Omma's Kitchen

Korean Spicy Sauteed Zucchini Side Dish By Omma's Kitchen
Serving 6 portion :)

(This style of recipe is perfect to eat in BibimBap, Salad with Quinoa or side dish. By salting the vegetable, you reduce the liquid and also makes it crispier. You can eat this raw without stir frying too and that's cool :). This was a part of Vegan BibimBap recipe that I've made for our family and the rest of the recipes will be uploaded gradually:)

• 6 medium size zucchini (sliced in moon shape)
• 3-4 stalk of green onion (chopped or sliced)
• 1 tablespoon of minced garlic
• 1-2 tablespoon of sesame oil
• 1-2 tablespoon of toasted sesame seeds
• 1 tablespoon of red chili powder (flake)
• 1 teaspoon of sugar
• 1 1/2 tablespoon of salt
• 1 teaspoon of mirin (optional)

You can toss in some Quinoa and it's Asian Zucchini Salad and complete meal :).


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