Untamable Beast - Epic Score (Tarek Mansur)

Описание к видео Untamable Beast - Epic Score (Tarek Mansur)

ALBUM: E.A.A. Vol. 17. "Blaze Of Glory" - ES030
AVAILABLE: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/bla...
ALBUM DESRIPTION: This album continues the Epic Action & Adventure Series (Vol. 17) with high impact huge orchestra, percussion, choirs and slick sound design from Edward Bradshaw, Tarek Mansur, Aleksandar Dimitrijevic and Alex Pfeffer.
TRACK DESCRIPTION: Dark groove is unstoppable as it grinds and smashes through anything in it's way. Massive orchestra and choir loom large!
WEB: http://www.epicscore.com/
FACEBOOK:   / epicscore  


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