HE was AFRAID to go into the BACKYARD because it was so BAD

Описание к видео HE was AFRAID to go into the BACKYARD because it was so BAD

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This was a really cool job that I did last year while down in Florida. sorry that it took me so long to get the video up. lol for context this was about a week after the mansions and the mansion videos arn't up yet. now while I was down in Florida a good friend of mine from the GREEN INDUSTRY POSDCAST (Paul Jamison) showed up. he just wanted to see the work that I do first hand but I found out that Paul is deathly afraid of snakes... and with tall grass that's not an uncommon thing to have to worry about. Paul wanted nothing to do with the talk grass lol. with that said I really enjoyed hanging out with Paul and I think its cool that he drove 9 hours just to come hang out and see what we do on the channel. so if you have any interest in starting a lawn care business or you are currently in the lawn care business you should check out the Green Industry Podcast. Paul has some truly amazing guest on the podcast with a wealth of knowledge in the green industry.

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if you want to help but financial aid is out of the option I 100% understand and know that you are just as valuable when it comes to supporting the channel. people often feel like the only way to help someone is with money but much like my videos where I uses the skills that I know how to do to help people out you can do the same by doing a few key actions. 1. leaving a comment is incredibly helpful. when you leave a comment youtube notes that people are interacting with the video and really enjoy the video. this results in them pushing the video out to more people and the more people that the video is scene by the more impact that I can create through larger tougher jobs, larger giveaways, better content..etc.. you can leave multiple comments and comments on older videos it still works to help the video. basically more is better. if you don't know what to say in the comments (comment to support) this might promote others to do the same even if they didn't read this lol the point is that a comment really is a very helpful aid to doing Free lawn care. the second thing is to give the video a thumbs up this is very similar to the comments and pushes the vide a bit further.
one of the best things you can do is subscribe to any channel that you would like to support. subscribing essentially just book marks the channel so that you will be able to find them in a few weeks when you may have gotten busy and thought less about the channel but if the channel is book marked then when you have the time you will be able to catch up on all of you favorite content.
the last thing that I will suggest is a really cool one. this one action can have HUGE IMPACT and that is sharing the video. I know that sounds crazy but when you share the video to your favorite social media platform you are telling all of your friends that you vouch for our channel. its like old school word of mouth and they are 70% more likely to watch out videos with you sharing the video than if they were to have found us in any other way and because they found us from our shared post they are more likely to share one of our videos as well. so you have friends that will support, they have friends that will support and so on. sharing can create a cascade of people that find our videos to help support and it all starts with a simple action. I just wish that you could see how many people start supporting the channel from your one share. the spider web effect of out reach on any givin social media platform is out standing. did you know that Facebook currently has 3.049 billion monthly active users. ALMOST HALF OF THE WORLD logs on to facebook every month. Isn't that crazy. I can nerd out on that stuff all day but you get the point. money is great but the truth is if you donate of support the channel in anyway financially I am just going to figure out how to pass it down the line to someone that needs it more than I do.

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