hara - Tak Ada Keluarga yang Sempurna (Official Lyric Video)

Описание к видео hara - Tak Ada Keluarga yang Sempurna (Official Lyric Video)

Artistic direction and videography by Rangga Kuzuma

hara - Tak Ada Keluarga yang Sempurna (From "Dua Hati Biru")

Performed by hara
Written, composed and produced by Rara Sekar Larasati
Vocals recorded by Peter Molteno at Sandbox Studio, Wellington
Mastered by Dimas Pradipta at Sum It! Studio, Jakarta
Artwork by Ben Laksana

(cc) 2024 Akar Wangi Records / REDROSE Records
This work is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b....

hara - Tak Ada Keluarga yang Sempurna

Tak ada keluarga yang sempurna
Tanpa luka, dan rahasia, juga sukarnya dunia
Ayah yang tak mau bicara
Ibu memendam marahnya
Lalu aku, perlahan tahu, apa arti mendewasa

Apa ku akan mencinta s’perti mereka?
Mungkinkah cerita kita tak harus sama?

Yang ada
Hanya rumah sederhana
Dapur kecil, foto di dinding, nasi hangat di atas meja
Segelas air menunggumu
Meneguk waktu
dan rasa malu mengetuk lembut tubuhmu

Apa kubisa mencinta dengan berbeda?
Barangkali hanya sekarang yang kita punya?

Aku ingin kau tahu
Aku ada untukmu
Di setiap suka dukamu
Di setiap suka dukaku

Aku ingin kau mau
Aku ada untukmu
Di setiap suka dukamu
Di setiap suka dukaku

Aku ingin kau tahu
Aku ada untukmu
Di setiap suka dukamu
Di setiap suka dukaku

Aku ingin kau mau
Aku ada untukmu
Di setiap suka dukamu
Di setiap suka dukaku

Mendengar kabar harimu
Meniup lilin tanggal tujuh
Menarik selimut kecilmu
Memasak bekal untukmu

Menari di ruang tamu
Tertawa meski tak lucu
Tak sengaja melukaimu
Jadi maaf yang kau tunggu

Mengusap air matamu
Mendengar lagu yang sendu
Yang pertama memelukmu
Yang terakhir mengecupmu

Aku ingin kau tahu
Aku ada untukmu
Di setiap suka dukamu
Di setiap suka dukaku

Ku ada

hara - No Family is Perfect

There are no perfect families
Without wounds, and secrets, and also the hardships of the world
The father who does not wish to talk
The mother who harbors her anger
And I, who now slowly understands what growing up means

Must I love like them?
Maybe our stories must not be the same?

A simple home
A humble kitchen, photographs on the wall, a bowl of warm rice on the table
A glass of water awaits you
swallowing time
and shame that gently knocks on your body

Can I love differently?
Maybe now is all we have?

I want you to know
I'm here for you
In every of your joys and sorrows
In every of my joys and sorrows

I want you to want me
to be here for you
In every of your joys and sorrows
In every of my joys and sorrows

I want you to know
I'm here for you
In every of your joys and sorrows
In every of my joys and sorrows

I want you to want me
to be here for you
In every of your joys and sorrows
In every of my joys and sorrows

To hear about your day
To blow candles on the seventh
To tuck you in bed
To cook lunch for you

To dance in the living room
To laugh at your unfunny jokes
To unintentionally hurt you
To be the remorse that you've been waiting for

To wipe your tears
To hear a sad song
To be the first to embrace you
To be the last one that kisses you

I want you to know
I'm here for you
In every of your joys and sorrows
In every of my joys and sorrows

I am here

#hara #TakAdaKeluargayangSempurna #DuaHatiBiru


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