Day 0 of Game Dev: Starting my Game Dev Journey

Описание к видео Day 0 of Game Dev: Starting my Game Dev Journey

Hello, Internet people. My name is David. And before you click off this video, let me just share something with you. I'm about to embark on my game dev journey, and I'd like you to follow along with me. I'm about to get into game development, and I want to document the process of developing a game from start to finish, as well as document and vlog, the emotional impact, the turmoil you go through, the struggles of trying to create something as big as a game.

For those that are familiar with this channel already and our current subscribers. I used to go under the name of King Annihilate and I used to stream this mostly game and stuff. Every now and then I would do reactionary stuff and I still kind of want to do that, but I also want to focus on making a game because it just feels a lot more productive.

And it's always been a dream of mine to complete a game from start to finish. So let me tell you a little bit about myself and my background. I have an Honors Bachelors of Science in Computer Science, and I've worked as an analyst and in I.T. administrator in different industries for the past decade. Now, as much as I enjoy these jobs that I've been working, I've always had in the back of my skull a nagging sense and feeling of wanting to create a game.

I've always had an idea of what the game would look like. I've always had this vision for how it might pan out and how I could expand on the game and make different spin offs and different worlds. And I think I've always had this feeling and thought in my head since I was around the age of I want to say like seven or eight, maybe like grade one or two.

I used to sit in class with a friend named Robert, and we would drive these dungeons and mazes and make these little RPG games on paper, and we would share with each other in class where we would travel down this piece of paper and try and find items and swords and the little holes in the page would be like a teleporter to go to another side of the map.

So I've been thinking about making games for a very long time, and for whatever reason, life just didn't take me in that direction. And I felt myself being pulled in completely different directions, and I just felt that there was other things that I needed to prioritize first, like making sure that I have stable employment, being able to pay my bills on time.

And I just really didn't have the confidence as well during this time or even the energy to really think about making a game. Because I knew how much work is involved in making a game, especially as an independent developer. So enough excuses. And finally making a game. And I'd love your support and any help you can offer me throughout this journey.

I'm going to try and recruit other programmers, artists, graphic designers, sound designers, and anyone that actually just wants to try to make a game with me. So if you're one of those people, leave a comment below and let's get in touch and let's try and make something beautiful. So here's the game idea. I want to make a simple dungeon crawler game that's story driven.

Roughly about 7 to 8 hours in the main story gameplay time, all with little peanut characters. And I'm thinking the game is going to be called not a dungeon. It's going to have simple yet fun mechanics, different type of sword attacks, and a few different types of magic and elemental type attacks, and just something that's definitely in scope of being achievable.

I find when people get into game development, they can have this incredibly massive scope. But unless you have a big team or lots of money and time behind you, the game might never get completed or might take ten years. I'm hoping I don't spend the next ten years of my life trying to build this game, hoping I can do it in two or three or even faster.

I'm going to start as small as I can and make something that I can play for seven and 8 hours.

That'd be wonderful. Join the Discord Link down below. I look forward to working with you. If there's anything I can offer any aspiring game developer or programmer or just any idea advice, anything computer science related, that is my background. I am knowledgeable on most topics and if we don't know something, we can always work together and figure it out together.

So let me know if there's something I can offer you and I'll let you know if there's stuff that you can offer me. I'm going to release these little short videos as I progressed through game development, just kind of venting and vlogging some of the things that are going on, sharing any sort of progress that I find really enjoyable and want to share or any sort of funny kind of quirks and bugs that I end up introducing into the game.

I've always loved games and I've always, always, always had a strong desire to make games. So I'm going to try and make that a reality now. Thank you, as always. Love and peace. I'll see you guys in another video.

►   / nuttydavid  

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