Fishing In Mangroves: How To Catch More Redfish, Snook & Trout

Описание к видео Fishing In Mangroves: How To Catch More Redfish, Snook & Trout

Mangroves are some of the best places to catch fish.

They've got everything predator fish need:

- Cover to stay safe from predators
- Baitfish and crustaceans to eat

However, they can be tricky to fish if you don't know what you're doing.

It's very easy to get snagged in the limbs and roots, plus some sections of the mangroves will hold more fish than others, so you could be in a dead zone and not even know it.

In this video, you're going to learn:

- The two places within a mangrove shoreline that hold the most fish
- The best lures to use (and why lures can outfish live bait here)-
- What to look for when drifting a mangrove shoreline
- And much more

If you want to get better at catching fish around mangrove shorelines, check out this video.

Have any questions about fishing mangroves?

Have any other tips for catching fish near them?

Let us know in the comments below!

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