How to make pizza at home - Margherita pizza - Bianco with prosciutto and blue cheese

Описание к видео How to make pizza at home - Margherita pizza - Bianco with prosciutto and blue cheese

Pizza dough
Flour -400 grams
Luke warm water-250 ml
Active dry yeast -7 grams
Salt - 2 teaspoon
Olive oil - 3 teaspoon

Tomato sauce
Tomato -3
Garlic-2 cloves
Dry oregano-2 tsp
Olive oil -3 tsp
Salt -1 tsp
Sugar- 1 tsp
Basil - few leaves

Semolina for rolling the dough and to sprinkle on to the proofing tray

Margherita -
Shredded mozzarella


Blue cheese

Dough making
Combine water yeast and some flour in a bowl and let the yeast activate

Add remaining flour and Knead for 5-6 min to form a dough

Portion the dough and leave to proof for 45 minutes

Roll the dough and put topping
Preheat the oven at 220 degrees Celsius
Bake at 220 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes


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