Quake 2, Outer Hangar, part 1 and Comm Satellite {Secret Level} (All Secrets Found)

Описание к видео Quake 2, Outer Hangar, part 1 and Comm Satellite {Secret Level} (All Secrets Found)

Difficulty: Hard
New weapons: None
New items: None
Secrets: 5 (3 in Outer Hangar, 2 in Comm. Satellite)

New objective on a way is to close the hangar bay door and destroy the black hole generator as it hinders the Terranian jets to perform their duties. Bitterman starts at the outskirts again.
This level contains the passage to the third and the last secret level of the game - Comm. Satellite. And this level is quite interesting as it's filled with flying foes only and their eight times lower gravity as well! This helps a lot, but it makes the retrieve of the first secret of the secret level much more tricky!


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