
Описание к видео #junior

We are trying to give you a platform where you get the study material,syllabus, question banks,question paper related to railway all ldc exams,departmental exams,promotional exams.
Hi friends, I am PRIYA RANJAN DWIVEDI working as a commercial cum ticket clerk in chennai division in southern railway.
My youtube channel for ldc and GDC exam is
   / @sircandrawnpriya  
I will try to provide you audio and video classes for your departmental exams of limited departmental competitive exams, #general departmental competitive exams,#gdce, #ldce, #LDCE,#southern railway, #CCTC, #Goods guard,#SM, #operating branch, #commercial branch,#commercial questions, #pramotional quota exams, railway ministrial exams,personnel branch exams, railway ldc quota exams, railway promotional quota exams, ldc exams of acm, ldc exams of aom AOM ACM, junior clerk, railway bibhagiye pariksha, railway vibhagiye pariksha , raj bhasha hindi, rajbhasha hindi , ldc exams of section controller, promotional exams of AOM, ldc exams of Je p way, ldc exams of tnc, TNC , gdce exams of railways.
#CCTC, Goods Guard, goods guard, station master, promotional quota exams,railway departmental exams, railway government employees exams,promotional exams of social and welfare Inspector, ministrial exams promotional quota exams,metarnity leave perternity live, all notes related to all railway ldc vacency. Thanks for your time.🙏.


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