Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Radical Islam and the American Left

Описание к видео Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Radical Islam and the American Left

Complete video at: http://fora.tv/2008/05/02/Ayaan_Hirsi...

Author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali discusses her opposition to Islamic extremism, and the reactions to her opinions by the American political left.


Seeking a New Global Order: The Viability of Hope featuring Ayaan Hirsi Ali in conversation with David A. Harris.

Former Dutch Member of Parliament and author of Infidel Ayaan Hirsi Ali has a conversation with American Jewish Committee Executive Director David A. Harris about her life's journey from being raised a devout Muslim to leaving her religion and seeking asylum in the Netherlands.

They cover issues of tolerance, freedom of expression, and how Muslim immigrants integrate into western culture.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali is an outspoken defender of women's rights in Islamic societies, Ms. Hirsi Ali was born in Mogadishu, Somalia. She escaped an arranged marriage by immigrating to the Netherlands in 1992, and served as a member of the Dutch parliament from 2003 to 2006.

In parliament, she worked on furthering the integration of non-Western immigrants into Dutch society, and on defending the rights of women in Dutch muslim society. In 2004, together with director Theo van Gogh, she made Submission, a film about the oppression of women in conservative Islamic cultures.

David Harris is executive director of the American Jewish Committee, a leading global advocacy organization. Harris is a widely recognized and quoted specialist on international affairs. The author of six books, Harris has written scores of articles in leading newspapers and magazines, has a weekly commentary on the CBS radio network, and is a frequent contributor to the Jerusalem Post blog. He has been honored by the Bulgarian, French, German, Latvian and Polish governments.


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