HOW FAT AM I?: Measuring Bodyfat Percentage

Описание к видео HOW FAT AM I?: Measuring Bodyfat Percentage

Ever wonder how to measure bodyfat? Do you know to measure bodyfat? What is bodyfat percentage? Why is it important? Is it important? What is the meaning of life?

If you have calipers and just want to learn how to use them, skip to 7:00

Intro Music:
"Come and Get It (Razihel Remix)" -- Krewella
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This is an original video. I used my own camera, iMovie 11, my own brain, my own voice, my own face, and my own body to create it. All audio and video content is my own unless otherwise noted and credited above.

Additional Tags:
Tytaniumfitness titanium tytanium fitness Tyler Yasuda teen bodybuilder natural drug free nanbf ifpa ocb weight loss gain muscle fat diet iifym flexible dieting progressive overload if macros cutting bulking posing progress squat bench deadlift workout


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