[TAS] Toejam & Earl - Fixed World (

Описание к видео [TAS] Toejam & Earl - Fixed World (

Level 1 starts at frame 534, screen goes black for last ship piece at 65934. At 59.922751013551 FPS, this gets it done in 18:11.23.

[EDIT FROM THE FAR-OFF-FUTURE OF 2023: There has been routing improvements to the Fixed World route since I initially made this TAS; at the time that I did so, this TAS was about a minute faster than the best human time (19m14s), but since then that's actually come down a lot (18m12s).]

This generally follows HoodyTwoShoes's route:   / 241054821  

Some notes:
- Level 1-2: Using the standard strategy.
- Level 3: I leap over an additional corner because I can.
- Level 4: I take a slightly different route here but I still have to wait for the skates to finish out.
- Level 5: Pixel-perfect nudges to avoid the carrot guy.
- Level 6: Bad enemy placement. Doorway lands me on top of a devil, I have to start using wings a bit early to avoid a boogieman. I probably should have changed up the frame on which I exit 5 to reroll these.
- Level 7: The usual strategy.
- Level 8: I take a slightly swaggier route and pick up an additional buck that I don't need-- again, I'm stuck burning down the skates, so there's not a lot I can do to save time here.
- Level 9: Again, the usual strategy.
- Level 10: I open the skates earlier than the usual point in order to spend less time at the exit waiting for them to burn out.
- Level 11: I jump over a corner here, narrowly avoiding land generation. I also grab an extra map tile at the end to trigger the promotion early, then get into the elevator at the first moment I can do so and not softlock... this seemed slightly more preferable to triggering the promotion immediately on entering 12 (and not being able to avoid the extra life animation).
- Level 12: The usual strategy.
- Level 13: Manipulated doorway.
- Level 14: Another skates level.
- Level 15: Some nudging to get myself in position to make a quick diagonal trip to the mailbox to pick up icarus wings, other than that it's normal.
- Level 16: I do a gutsy-looking leap on the bridge-- this was initially to try and avoid the leftward land generation (which I couldn't) but it also lined me up nicely for the elevator so I kept it.
- Level 17: Normal, although I did manipulate the frame on which I exit for better enemy placement on 18.
- Level 18: Aside from the manipulated enemies, pretty average.
- Level 19: Another waiting-on-skates level.
- Level 20: Hopping on skates for no particular reason. Some particularly bold-looking platform hitops jumps.
- Level 21: This is basically the normal route, just cutting it close to the edges. Manipulated doorway luck.
- Level 22: Another level that is basically the normal strategy. Exit was manipulated to reposition the dentists on 23.
- Level 23: Again, aside from manipulated enemies, pretty average.
- Level 24: Look at that manipulated doorway!
- Level 25: Another manipulated doorway; this is another one that lands me on an enemy, but let's just call it a "strategic damage boost" instead of me not wanting to try and reroll it further.

There's a lot of optimization that could be done here.
- I have several doorways left over, which means that there are several levels that could be largely skipped.
- It may be possible to manipulate the doorways to get better placement; I got something "good enough" and didn't exhaustively test alternatives. Although given that I kept landing in the same places as Hoody's video, I'm now curious about just how random the positions are...
- There are also plenty of opportunities to skip over "extra" hitops and wings and perhaps get slightly more optimal menuing.


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