Unlocking Geometry: Understanding the Principles of Islamic Geometric Patterns

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Artist Workshop with Sharmeen Sidiki: Unlocking Geometry: Understanding the Principles of Islamic Geometric Patterns

Geometric patterns are a key characteristic of Islamic art and ornamentation. For centuries, artists in the Muslim world have used age-old principles of geometry and mathematics to create visually stimulating patterns to ornament architecture, manuscripts, ceramics, decorative objects, and other works of art. These complex designs consist of combinations of repeating units of interlacing circles, squares, star patterns, and multisided polygons.

How are these designs created? Where does one begin to create such intricate patterns? The Edith O’Donnell Institute of Art History welcomes Dallas artist Sharmeen Sidiki to lead you through a hands-on workshop aimed that teaches the basics of creating Islamic geometric art patterns.

Filmed by UT Dallas, November 2021


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