Portrait Painting Tutorial | Water Mixable Oil Paint

Описание к видео Portrait Painting Tutorial | Water Mixable Oil Paint

In this week's portrait painting video we will explore water mixable (also known as water soluble) oil paints. These paints are a very fun to work with and very easy to clean up. To add a little twist, we will be using cooking oil as a medium for fun (please use refined linseed oil if you are concerned with the longevity of your paintings).

If you would like to see more of my artwork please follow/check out my Instagram page at:   / yuparifineart  

If you would like to contact me, here's a link to my website: https://www.yuparifineart.com

The materials used in this video are listed below,

Water Mixable Oils

All are from the brand: Winsor & Newton Artisan Water Mixable Oil Colors.

Colors include:
Zinc White
Burnt Umber
Cadmium Red Medium
Yellow Ochre
Cadmium Yellow Medium
French Ultramarine
Ivory Black

Generic store bought 9x12" cotton canvas. I used liquitex professional gesso to apply a few more coats of gesso and then toned with with neutral grey acrylic paint.

Tap water
Organic Extra Virgin Mediterranean Olive Oil

Sheet of Glass that is spray painted on the backside

Master’s Touch Filber size 2
Princeton Catalyst Polytip Bristle Filbert size 4
Jack Richeson Grey Matters size 4
Plaza Montgomery Round size 1


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