Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 64 Reaction

Описание к видео Digimon Adventure 2020 Episode 64 Reaction

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In this episode Takeru & Patamon hav a dream where Devimon warns them about the Great Catastrophe leading everything to a white void they are then contacted over the Digivice and told that Soundbirdmon are attacking so everyone rushes over to the tree to defend the Soundbirdmon clump together forming Deathmon and so the Chosen children team up to fight against it and protect the Digital world since the affects are being felt everywhere Wisemon then proclaims the Childrens Adventure to be the answer to the Crests mystery leading to Angewomon & HolyAngemon Mega Evolving and defeating Deathmon who lets out a cry heralding the Catastrophe to begin

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