Anonymous: Message to Th3j35t3r

Описание к видео Anonymous: Message to Th3j35t3r Greetings jester, we are anonymous. Today we bring to you our final warning. Your hypocrisy, aspersion and the indulgence to needlessly target anonymous members, will inevitably and unavoidably lead to your downfall. Your true identity, as well as your military history, antiquity, criminal record and address, are currently possessed by numerous Anonymous and Antisec affiliates. Of course this valuable and inconceivable information won't be released to the public or media as that would be deemed ineffective and unproductive, rather than applying the extracted details to paste bin your personal coherence will be used to the advantage of anonymous to ensure you suffer the anguish of the people you claim to target. We are well aware that you may dismiss the fact that you are no longer hidden under the transition of anonymity and obscurity. As proof of concept, we shall slowly expel you from the internet for our own entertainment and for the good of the people. Your time is coming, you know this.
We are anonymous
We are legion
We do not forgive
We do not forget
Expect us...

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