Spa Jam 2024 - What An Epic Turnout

Описание к видео Spa Jam 2024 - What An Epic Turnout

What an awesome day at Spa Jam 2024
I couldn't believe how many riders there were, from all abilities and ages, at a guess 100ish riders through out the day
The middle line got the most use over the day, there almost was a continuous train on that set throughout the whole jam
The jumps were looking outstanding and they were running the best I have ever ridden them, they were in prime time
Throughout the day they put on little jam comps like High air and Best trick
It was so cool to see how many young kids are starting to get into the sport, there was a whole lil crew of them
Massive thank you to the spa locals for all the hard work and putting on the jam for the day, legends
It's super cool seeing events like this getting bigger and bigger every year, I can't wait until the next one


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