Polaris Renewables: Commercializing Bio-Based Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes

Описание к видео Polaris Renewables: Commercializing Bio-Based Non-Isocyanate Polyurethanes

Philip Pienkos, National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Polaris Renewables is an early stage renewable polymer company headquartered in Potsdam, NY, developing technology for the production of bio-based non-isocyanate polyurethanes. These fully renewable polymers can be used for foams, adhesives, coatings, and elastomers and Polaris is targeting the fashion industry for its beachhead market. Our polymerization chemistry involves incorporation of CO2 directly into the polymer offering substantial sustainability benefits. Polaris was incorporated in April, 2020 as a spinoff of NREL technology originally developed as part of the algae program along with support from DOE’s Technology Commercialization Fund. This presentation will outline the polymerization technology, provide insights into sustainability, and highlight progress towards commercialization.


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