MEInetwork23 Seminar #1: Crude oil and product supply chains

Описание к видео MEInetwork23 Seminar #1: Crude oil and product supply chains

The Melbourne Energy Institute was pleased to host Mr Nicholas James, Technical Manager at Viva Energy Australia, as he presented the opening instalment of the MEInetwork23 Seminar Series, with a presentation on ‘Crude oil and product supply chains’. The presentation described oil flows and the base hydrocarbon business as they work today, giving a view to what the energy transition could mean to the future of refining. Topics included the fundamentals of crude oil, hydrocarbon purchasing and logistics, refinery operation and economics, supply chain operation and logistics, and renewable directions in biodiesel, sustainable aviation fuels, and waste recycling. Discussion was moderated by Dr Adrian Panow, Director of the Major Projects at the Melbourne Energy Institute.

The MEInetwork Seminar Series aims to give participants a sound understanding of the current technical and economic factors that underpin the Australian energy system. Knowledge of these market factors is critical in determining the changes required to move towards a clean energy system.

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