The Kipsigis Talai also referred to as Kipsigis Orgoiik or Laibons one of the Kipsigis clans whose immediate origin is said to be Nandi from where they moved to Kipsigis country just before the advent of British colonialism in the early 1890s. Once in Kipsigis land, they grafted onto the existing Kipsigis social, economic, and political institutions which influenced the Talai response to colonial invasion and rule in Kipsigis land. Under the leadership of Chief Orgoiyot Kipchomber araap Koilegen, the interests of the Talai and the British clashed and the Talai vigorously resisted the occupation of their country by the British. Their initial resistance in the early period of colonial rule led to three main Talai leaders namely Araap Koilegen, Kibuigut araap Sing’oei, and Araap Boisio being banished to Central Kenya in 1914. Their deportation is comparable to that of Jaja of Opobo and Samouri Toure of Mandinka state in West Africa who were ready to be exiled instead of surrendering their territories and rights of their people to foreigners.

The Talai unrest was inspired by religious beliefs confirming the Resistance and Collaboration theorists that the instrumentality of religious beliefs in African resistance to Colonial invasion was evident among the African societies. The deportation of three Orgoiik leading lights did not deal a blow to the Talai resistance; instead, it became an impetus for the emergence of more powerful leaders who continued to champion the resistance to the chagrin of the colonialists. The futility of the British acts of deportation came to the fore in 1928 when the Kipsigis under the leadership of the Talai planned a big revolt to drive the British from their land. The discovery of the plot coupled with increased cattle raids and the state of political unrest in Kipsigis land, made the British colonial administrators call for the deportation of the whole clan of Talai to end their grip over the Kipsigis people. To effect this deportation, the British enacted the Removal of the Laibons Ordinance on the 1st of August 1934 in the Legislative Council.

As a result of the passage of this law, Talai totaling about 698 males and females were rounded up and banished to Gwassi in the then South Kavirondo District. The deportation of the whole clan in 1934 marked a watershed in the resistance of the Orgoiik and their history. In exile, they led a miserable life and were reduced to a destitute lot. Despite the Kipsigis Talai deportation they continued to challenge the British rule and influenced political happenings in Kipsigis land. Their deportation ended in 1962 when they were repatriated to Kericho District. However, to date majority of them are earning their living from very difficult situations since their return to Kipsigis land they were not allocated any land not even from where they had been deported!
This is narrated by the Kipsigis Talai author himself Mr. David Ng'asura Tuei in this video.


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