St. Paul - Part 1 - Felix Mendelssohn - Synchronized Video and Lyrics

Описание к видео St. Paul - Part 1 - Felix Mendelssohn - Synchronized Video and Lyrics

Felix Mendelssohn here sets the martyrdom of St. Stephen and the conversion of St. Paul in the Book of Acts to music. I have synchronized the music to lyrics (English and German) and videos.

1. Ouverture - 0:00
2. Herr, der du bist der Gott - 6:21
3. Allein Gott in der Hoh - 10:44
4. The Seizing of Stephen - 12:08
5. Dieser Mensch... - 14:17
6. Stephen speaks before the Sanhedrin - 17:22
7. Jerusalem.. - 22:26
8. The Stoning of Stephen - 25:43
9. "Lord, do not hold this sin against them" - 27:31
9b. Dir, Herr, dir will ich mich ergeben - 28:47
10. They lay their clothes at Saul's feet - 30:14
11. We praise the Blessed who have suffered - 31:18
12. Paul persecutes Christians - 34:53
13. Paul on the Road to Damascus - 37:31
14. A Light from Heaven - 40:19
17. After the Light - 43:09
19. The Lord speaks to Ananias - 44:18
21. Ananias goes to Paul - 46:08
22. The Depth of the Riches and the Wisdom of God - 48:14


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