Cosmic Timekeeping: Digital Watches in Space

Описание к видео Cosmic Timekeeping: Digital Watches in Space

Today we have an overview of the awesome array of different digital watches that have made their way into space from the likes of Casio, G-shock, Protrek, Seiko, Timex, Breitling, Elektronika 5, Unitra Warel and Halda .

Alongside the more commonly referenced Seiko Astronaut A829 Rotocall, G-Shock DW5600 C and E , Timex Datalink and both the Omega X-33 Speedmaster Professional and Skywalker, we also hear about less commonly referenced models such as the Unitra Warel , deeper cuts from the Casio catalog like the JP-200W the Halda Space Module Digital Chronograph and even a cheeky appearance from the original timex iron triathlon and Cady Coleman's wrist.

I've listed the sources throughout of which there were many so please make sure to pause the video on follow links to seek out more depth from the original researchers that did most of the leg work for me on this video. I hope you enjoy! #digitalwatch #x33 #casio

0:00 Digital watches in space intro
0:18 Elektronika 5 in space
2:08 Omega in space
4:29 Casio in space
6:37 Timex in space
7:43 Seiko in space
8:45 Breitling in space
9:05 Unitra Warel in space

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