Fake vs Real Diesel Jeans

Описание к видео Fake vs Real Diesel Jeans

Fake vs Real Diesel Jeans

How to spot fake Diesel jeans

Original Diesel jeans cost 130 dollars, the price of fakes is between 50 - 70 dollars.

A safety element to identify original Diesel jeans is the leather label on the back of the jeans... the fake label is composed of the old logo of the brand and the text DIESEL for successful living, compared to the original one which shows the text Diesel Industry denim division, logo the new brand... superior quality jeans for successful living regulated... see in the video.

The big red label is different, in the original it is bright red with the text DIESEL FOR SUCCESSFUL LIVING (in white) and higher quality at the top, compared to the fake one that shows the text at the bottom in black... see in the video.

The first small removable label on the original receives the QR code and on the back the recycling sign together with the company logo, on the fake we do not find this QR code, and the back of the label is white and empty without any text.
The original detachable label is different in color, the authentic one is bright red compared to the fake one which shows a darker red, the DISESL text sounds more like it, on the original label we also find the words for successful living, compared to the fake one which does not show this appearance... more the original brand logo is at the bottom, compared to the fake one which is located in the middle... on the back of the second original label we find the batch and color serial number, with the fake one, we do not find these aspects ... see in the video.

The third label differs only in one place, the brand logo, the original one is smaller, compared to the fake one which is bigger and is positioned backwards (as you look in the mirror, it is backwards)... the back of the original label shows the information on the jeans plus the recycling sign... we don't find these aspects in the fake... see in the video.
The last original label shows the brand logo in white, compared to the fake one which has the black logo... see in the video.

Another identifying element of fake Diesel jeans is the rectangle in front of the small pocket on the right side with the text Diesel Industry... in the original the background is white with the R sign, compared to the fake one which has a black background... see in the video.

Another simple element to identify fake Diesel jeans is the closing button... the original shows the text for successful living together with the brand logo located in the middle, compared to the fake one which is empty... see in the video.

The interior pocket must be white and without any text on it, the fake pocket is blue with text on it... see in the video.

Another difference between fake jeans and the original ones.... the fixed inner labels, on the original we find the first label with the brand logo together with the silver thread, on the back of this label we must find the batch number and the color number... continued of vro 5 labels with details about the degrees of washing in the automatic machine, and the material used ... last but not least, the last label must present the text DISEL and the QR code, inside this label we must find the drawing with the diesel hologram, without this element of for sure, the jeans are fake...


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