Описание к видео RAIN WATER FILTER Methods

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Rainwater Filtration Methods

1. Systems For Uv Filtration

A house can be treated with a UV Filtration System.When prefiltered water is exposed to UV light, it kills any pathogens before being delivered to the home.

2. Chlorine

Chlorine is used as a disinfectant because it can eliminate several water-borne diseases like hepatitis, dysentery, cholera, and typhoid, and it can save lives.

3. Quantum Filtration

These filters are simple to set up with some basic plumbing expertise and do not require electricity to work, making them ideal for off-grid living.

4. Solar Pasteurization

Unlike any other method, this one requires a lot of effort. Although this method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, producing clean drinking water is beneficial.

5. Filters With A Passive Gravity Feed

This straightforward plug-and-play solution requires no prior knowledge and it's capable of removing 99.99 percent of any potentially harmful bacteria from the water.


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