Model Railway Room - Backscenes, Two Tunnels & S&DJR Fleet - Update 10

Описание к видео Model Railway Room - Backscenes, Two Tunnels & S&DJR Fleet - Update 10

Welcome the tenth instalment on the construction of the Railway Room and my OO Gauge Somerset & Dorset layout - Lyncombe Vale!
The past few months have been a bit of a challenge to say the least, finding time and motivation to work on the layout has been a bit difficult at times, despite this a number of major milestones have been achieved. My main focus has been on completing the famous Two Tunnels - Devonshire & Combe Down - with the latter complete and ready to be installed onto the layout. Once these two major structure are in position, progress can start in earnest of finishing of the landforms and, finally (all being well), make a start on track laying...
In this update we discuss the recent progress made to the layout, including the completion of the backscene, followed by an update on my growing fleet custom Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway rolling stock, as well as a look at a couple of special new addition to the my Somerset & Dorset Railwayana collection, plus the grand reveal of the layout's name board!

Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway - Model Railway - Model Trains with Real Sound;
   • Somerset & Dorset Joint Railway - Mod...  
Craig Owen;
   / craigowen1  
82A Studios;
   / 82astudios  

Click here to see more updates;
Model Railway Room - Update 1;
   • Model Railway Room - Introduction, Wo...  
Model Railway Room - Update 2;
   • Model Railway Room - Lighting, Micro ...  
Model Railway Room - Update 3;
   • Model Railway Room - Workbench, Viadu...  
Model Railway Room - Update 4;
   • Model Railway Room - Baseboards, Back...  
Model Railway Room - Update 5;
   • Model Railway Room - Lyncombe Vale, E...  
Model Railway Room - Update 6;
   • Model Railway Room - Lyncombe Vale, D...  
Model Railway Room - Update 7;
   • Model Railway Room - Lyncombe Vale, M...  
Model Railway Room - Update 8;
   • Model Railway Room - Viaduct, Combe D...  
Model Railway Room- - Update 9;
   • Model Railway Room - Landscaping, S&D...  

Layout Updates;
   • Layout Updates  
Projects and Tutorials;
   • Tutorials and Projects  

Useful Links;
Derails Models;
Scale Model Scenery;
Somerset & Dorset Railway;
Somerset & Dorset Trust;
Hope you enjoy!


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