Dr Ranbir Singh - Laparoscopic & Biliary Surgery (Mohandai oswal Hospital Ludhiana)

Описание к видео Dr Ranbir Singh - Laparoscopic & Biliary Surgery (Mohandai oswal Hospital Ludhiana)

Dr Ranbir Singh, Senior consultant, advanced laparoscopic & biliary Surgery at Mohandai oswal Hospital achieved a distinguished feat of conducting a challenging and complicated gall bladder stone surgery (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) for left-sided gall bladder.
Patient JPT kaur 26 Female resident of Ludhiana, punjab ,came with dyspepsia, gas formation and pain abdomen in epigastric region . It was unusual to think about situs inversus partialis,because gall bladder normally is placed on the right side. It was not even diagnosed on ultrasonography that it was a left sided GB. On doing a laparoscopy which showed an inflamed gall bladder with multiple calculi on the left side where as the other organs like stomach and heart were in there usual anatomical position . Dr Singh elaborated that this condition is known as 'situs inversus partialis' and is a congenital autosomal re- cessive genetic disorder which occurs in 1 in 10- 20000 live births and in the world literature very rarely 60-70 laparoscopic cholecystectomy have been operated so far.
Dr Ranbir Singh the team leader and one of the renowned laparoscopic surgeon in northern India , has experienced third such case in his 10 years of laparoscopic career after 2019 and 2014 says that very few surgeons have experienced this condition more than once. Regarding the technical difficulties, he points out that as the organs are lying in opposite directions and laparoscopie surgery is performed by watching the TV screen, the hand eye coordination, orientation to the structures and movements of the instruments becomes very difficult for a right-handed surgeon.He and his team of doctors comprising Dr saurabh kesarwani, Dr chitra kumari ,& Dr bhupinder singh & team (anaesthetist) along with the ot staffs of MOH successfully pulled off the surgery in very short time interval of around 50mins.
Dr Ranbir Singh further explained that he was well aware of the difficulties by his past experience,since he had already operated previously in a 'situs inversus totalis' patient,to help his team in operating with much ease without any difficulty and standardising the operative technique to tackle such cases.Inspite of all these challenges the operation was performed successfully,just by changing the port positions and switching to french technique . Critical view of Safety protocols were followed which ensures 100% safety in preventing hazardous complications .The patient was discharged on the second day and in a satisfactory condition. #MOH #DrRanbirSingh #cholecystectomy #situsinversuspartialis #ludhiananews


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