200 iq (morphic field)

Описание к видео 200 iq (morphic field)

Note: This is a part of playlist that is designed to bring each part of your body into harmony and then to go beyond to the next level of evolution. They are fundamentally the same in that they are designed to regenerate the corresponding area completely, facilitate healing, bring to the next level in evolution, strengthen, improve flexibility etc. Every part of the corresponding location has been included. This is my take on the brain. Next is shoulders, followed by legs and then the heart(physical heart).    • Complete Body Healing Series  

When I was creating the automated workouts, I had a thought to include something for the brain. So that is the first component of the field. An automated brain workout.

The world record for an IQ is 228, and while this field title is 200, I hope with time it will go beyond that. How? By using an automated workout, combined with cell coherence, sending vital nutrients directly to the cells, improving flexibility, removing stagnation and repetitive cycles, loops that exist in our thinking, programing as well as updating each of our core energy/thinking centers to be also capable of increased cognition. Of course regeneration, and integrating at genetic level an IQ of 200 and beyond.

This may take time depending on your current level, and whether a dramatic shift would cause depression, or a decrease in happiness. I have taken steps to minimize this.

A note about this field is that based on my experiments it does increase pain tolerance. So if you fall or have an injury in the future be sure to seek treatment even if you don't feel too much pain. And be sure not to over exert yourself working out as a result of the increase in pain tolerance.

I believe humans have only scratched the surface of our capabilities. And this series aims to isolate each area of the body to blow the roof off of such limitations.

If you would like access to downloadable versions or access to all of my premium fields plus wallpapers and calm versions of most files check out my patreon:   / morpheusfields  

All of the premium fields are on the Patreon but if you are unable to join or simply don’t want to commit the premium fields are available on Gumroad too. There is also downloadable files there.


A note about the channel. (Faq and general information)

Morphic fields are not magic they are rooted in quantum science. They have helped me so significantly on my journey that I begin to make my own and share them. 80 percent of the fields here are designed to help me with my own goals. Others are from watching people struggle in my life and wishing I could help them, but unable to as it was not my place m. I made fields here to share to help others. Knowing others would likely struggle. Some are from your messages. I make only what I am inspired to make, because I know that inspiration is part of my internal guidance system. Which each of us have.

I tried to be here all the time and answer every comment. Last year on Christmas I took four whole days off and someone was angry there comment had not been responded to. Then this past year I vowed to be more diligent. It was exhausting and it made me not want to do this work. Lately I have been coming two days a week and yes there are angry comments again “why don’t you respond right away” but I don’t think people understand how unhealthy that would be for me to be observing comments 24/7. Especially when not all of them are kind and how that gives 24 hours a day access to my headspace.

Yes you can listen with speakers, headphones, muted, more than one at a time, bundled, and long playlists without a break. If you feel tired take time. Listening should be intuitive but if you would like me to tell you exactly what to do listen on a loop for a few times on the first day then once a day for 30 days. But that is not a rule and I encourage you to experiment and to know that every field might be different for you. Different based on receptivity, existing fields within, your environment, beliefs, perceptions, general time it takes you to heal etc. I will leave this under every field from now on to act as an faq/informational resource.

I love all your comments. When I read how much these fields have helped you, it fuels me to continue. I encourage your questions. But please understand I don’t spend all day on line or everyday and the holidays are coming up. So please remember I am human.

Legal disclaimer: This is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Always consult a doctor when needed


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