[EWI Jazz解説] Giant Steps by John Coltrane -why difficult?

Описание к видео [EWI Jazz解説] Giant Steps by John Coltrane -why difficult?

Jazz StandardをベースにEWIで演奏の仕方や曲の攻略法を解説中。伴奏はireal proまたは打ち込みで。。。

Playing and explaing how to play Jazz tunes using EWI.
Sometimes I'll have muscian guest

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Tips and support would be greatly appreciated!!

アマゾン、Tower Record, HMVで音源を販売中

[Enigmatic Drive] プログレシブ・メタルジャズバンド
1st album "Superhero in Car Accident"

2nd album "Variation" www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007B7A7PS

[Yusuke Musumiya Jazz Group]アコースティック・ジャズ
"Light & Dark Adaptation"

"Progressive Vocoder Music"
see HP: http://www.yusukemusumiya.com

background video by beeple
album photo by Jason Hickey

Yusuke Musumiya
Jazz Sax・EWI奏者/コンポーザー
Berklee College of Music卒業。小学5年から大学卒業まで在米。大学卒業後は現地の音楽事務所Willow Entertainmentに所属し、海外ミュージシャン等と共に様々な仕事をする。またクライエントとの交渉や契約なども任される。

帰国後はジャズサックス・EWI奏者/作曲家としてレコーディング、ライブなどで活動。Vega Music Entertainmentから3枚のリーダーアルバムをリリースし、その他にNTVドラマ「ドロ刑」の劇伴奏や声優のライブサポート等もこなす。

​AKAI EWI協力アーティスト/エンドーサー。

Yusuke is a Berklee College of Music graduate. He lived in Dublin, OH, USA from age 10 to end of Highschool then moved to Boston,MA to attend Berklee College of Music.

​After graduating from Berklee, he worked with Willow Entertainment Agency in Boston, appearing in festivals, clubs and worked in various party events. He also was given a job as an organizer, gathering musicians and working out deals with the clients.

​Yusuke came back to Japan after a year of working in Boston area and started working as Jazz Saxophonist and EWI player, Composer in Tokyo Area. He has released 3 original albums from the Vega Music Entertainment label, and currently performing and teaching in Tokyo, Japan, while working as a recording musician in TV shows, etc.


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