Inbox Review of the 1/35 Scale World of Tanks T34-85 from Italeri V2.0

Описание к видео Inbox Review of the 1/35 Scale World of Tanks T34-85 from Italeri V2.0

So the T 34-85 is an up-gunned and up-armored T34-76. The T 34-76 was having problems competing with the German 8,8 cm KwK that was being mounted on Tiger I and II tanks as well as the 7,5cm L/70 from the Panther, as well as the 7,5 cm KwK 40 on late Panzer IV and STuG III and IV and needed an upgrade to be able to defeat them, so the 8,5 cm D-5T gun, and later the S 53 were installed in an enlarged turret with a modified hull. It also had better armor, which was something that the Russians steady improved throughout the war.

This model kit, well, it could use a lot of improvements, I think better off going with a Tamiya or Dragon kit really.


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