
Описание к видео #012

This track is inspired by the ancient Japanese war strategy "Fūrin Kazan," blending different musical styles to create a powerful composition.
Wind (Fū): Reggae – Light and free rhythms express the comfort and movement of the wind.
Forest (Rin): Shamisen – Deep, serene tones evoke the mystery of the forest.
Fire (Ka): Flamenco – Passionate and strong rhythms capture the energy and force of fire.
Mountain (Zan): Japanese Taiko Drums – Deep, powerful sounds represent the majesty and strength of the mountains.

These musical elements are fused together to reflect the essence of Japanese nature and the spirit of the samurai. Enjoy the powerful and symbolic soundscape!

風(Wind):レゲエ – 軽やかで自由なリズムが風の心地よさや動きを表現。
林(Forest):三味線 – 深みと静寂を感じさせる音色が森の神秘を表現。
火(Fire):フラメンコ – 情熱的で力強いリズムが炎の勢いやエネルギーを表現。
山(Mountain):和太鼓 – 深く力強い音色が山の威厳と雄大さを表現。


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RaggaMuffin Groove Stationby Raga Ninja

#WorldMusic #FusionMusic #Reggae #GlobalBeats #RAGANINJA #ラガニンジャ


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