SCCTips : Episode 3 How to create Content your audience would respond to.

Описание к видео SCCTips : Episode 3 How to create Content your audience would respond to.

Look at the last post you created, the last email or blog post you wrote, who did you create it for? The answer to this question is what makes people to respond and say this was created for me. According to Jamie Turner the “The only way to win at content marketing is for the reader to say, ‘This was written specifically for me.” – @AskJamieTurner. How can you create content that would get you this response?

This is the topic we would be discussing on Saturday August 15th 2020 @ 3pm, on the third episode of Smart Content Creation Tips

“Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue. TPLDrew. I would be sharing on how you can create Content that would make people Know, Like and Trust you.


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