Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning and TensorFlow - Barbara Fusinska

Описание к видео Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning and TensorFlow - Barbara Fusinska

Natural Language Processing offers a variety of techniques to get insight from and generate text data. Going beyond simple representations and taking advantage of Deep Learning and RNNs, the models can use document context to perform more accurately. With the help of libraries like TensorFlow, building neural networks and applying NLP is now available to the wider audience.
In this session, Barbara will make the introduction to NLP concepts and deep learning architectures. The audience will get access to the series of labs starting from creating simple embeddings representation and then applying them to the classification task. Using the interactive learning platform, they will have the chance to get hands-on experience.
After this session, the audience will have a good understanding of the deep learning concepts when it comes to NLP. The attendees will create a classifying model that takes advantage of the document context using TensorFlow library.

NDC Conferences


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