Syriac Orthodox Hymn "Emro Shmayono" in Aramaic (Heavenly Lamb)

Описание к видео Syriac Orthodox Hymn "Emro Shmayono" in Aramaic (Heavenly Lamb)

Syriac Orthodox Hymn "Emro Shmayono" in Aramaic (Heavenly Lamb) sung by Abuna Dayroyo Zakai Jalma.

The complete translation:
O Heavenly Lamb, O Atoning Sacrifice.
Hear us in our weakness and make us worthy of forgivness.
Come, O Lord, help us. Our Merciful King.
And relieve our sufferings in times of distress.
O Sea of Mercy and Treasure of Relief.
Overflow us with Your mercy through Your purifying hyssop.
In Thee we have our hope, O merciful Jesus.
Do not turn away from us, so that we are not left for perdition.


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