Voiceless Libromancer Just Might Be The Best Ritual Deck in Masterduel! Master Rank Deck Profile!

Описание к видео Voiceless Libromancer Just Might Be The Best Ritual Deck in Masterduel! Master Rank Deck Profile!

The combination of Voiceless Voice and Libromancer provides some very interesting as well as powerful interactions!
Libromancer has the ability to bait out a lot of negates as well as get us bodies for ritual summoning. If the Libromancer engine goes in interrupted then we also get an Omni negate with easy follow up.
The voiceless Voice Engine can function off of just 1 card and provide us with a ritual monster to our hand enabling the Libromancer engine. Voiceless can get to an Omni negate thru plenty of negate because it's engine runs in a circle as well as Libromancer.
we also have backrow destruction with he Libro engine and we can use the extra deck as a tool box since neither of our engines lock us into anything. This lets us use common extra deck outs such as s:p little knight and Underworld Goddess. Being that we run a ritual deck we can also use Dyna Mundo to remove cards from the field was well. any engine with Dyna Mundo and S:P little knight has to play elf for extra utility snd protection.
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