The World's FINEST Motorcycle Windshields & Windscreens | Screens | Clearview Shields

Описание к видео The World's FINEST Motorcycle Windshields & Windscreens | Screens | Clearview Shields

If you have any questions, please contact us here at Clearview Shields at 800 798-6089 or send us an email at: [email protected]. Thanks again, Craig

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Craig: Hello. My name is Craig. This is Ryan. We are owners of Clearview Shields and we want to take a few minutes to give you a brief history of how this company first started.

I had bought into the company 35 years ago in 1986. It was an existing windshield company. I was 18 and it was just an opportunity that just kind of fell in my lap that I have successfully grown to the business it is today.

We have always worked directly with our customers in designing and manufacturing these windshields. We don't farm anything out, so when you're dealing with Clearview Shields, you are dealing with the company that is actually making the product that you're going to enjoy on your next ride.

Ryan: Hi guys, Ryan here. Going back to what Craig said too, this is a family-owned company. He's president and I'm vice president. I'm actually Craig's son. But yeah, everything is made to the highest quality that we can make it. That's our number one concern is making sure that you guys are happy with the product and we go above and beyond for sure to make that happen as far as every aspect of the business, customer service, manufacturing, quality control, everything. We try to go to the next level as much as possible, even in our designs. I mean, we don't release a windshield out there unless we know that it actually works and performs well for us. We're not just going to throw a product at you that doesn't do its job.

Craig: And we understand that a lot of you guys might be buying windshields from companies overseas. It's important to us that you know that we are here to answer questions and fully cover the product that we manufacture and sell to you. So we take that very seriously here and I think it reflects in the quality that's produced and just how long we've been in business and how happy our customers are. We have so many repeat customers. It's phenomenal.

Ryan: Yeah, the other thing too, going back to talking about production and just making sure everybody's happy, we probably are one of the only companies that are doing this, but we can tailor the windshield to fit whatever you need within reason obviously. But we can modify the height, custom heights for you. If we don't have one of our standard height options on the website that's going to work for you, we can modify the windshield to be 12-3/8 or 15-3/4, whatever you want. Same with widths, we can make custom widths, and obviously, it's within a reason. You can't make a 48-inch tall windshield, but we can definitely do a lot more than a lot of our competitors can as far as offering you a slew of options for I think over 300 different models at this point.

The recurve is a small bend at the top of the windshield. You can kind of see it bends out. It's designed to kick some airflow over the top of your head. So you can be looking over the top of the windshield, but still, get the same coverage as if you're looking through it. There's little to no distortion with the recurve design. Again, we try to keep everything as absolutely clear as we can and increase the performance of the windshield. So again, with the recurve design, it's designed to help them increase that performance, giving you a little bit higher quality of a riding experience. And it will also add some structural rigidity to the windshield as well.

Vent options, or venting a windshield and the reasons why you do it. So the idea behind the vent is to allow some airflow behind the windshield in the low-pressure zone to help control the head buffeting at high speeds and to give you a little bit bigger pocket of air to sit in. You can imagine, the air is trying to collapse back around the windshield and if you have a bigger surface area and you don't have any way to control the airflow behind the screen, you're going to get head buffeting with air clashing right behind your head and create a lot of buffeting.

The vent that we use is a five-position adjustable vent. So you have a few options to fully closed, or you can open it a little bit, or a little more, so you can kind of adjust and fine-tune where you want the airflow coming through. It does help out on some hotter days to get a little airflow on the chest if you want that option.

The other venting option we have, which isn't available on all levels of windshields we offer, but on a few of them, is the PRVs, which is a pressure relief vent. Essentially the same idea, just allowing a little bit of airflow behind the low-pressure zone, behind the windshield, just to help reduce head buffeting as much as possible at high speeds.

Hey guys, this is Ryan. The third motorcycle windshields I'll be talking... Hang on a second. Let me get this garage door closed. I didn't realize that was in there.


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