Tax Residency for Canadians and Americans. Why It Matters and How It Is Determined.

Описание к видео Tax Residency for Canadians and Americans. Why It Matters and How It Is Determined.

Learn how Canada and the U.S. determine tax residency. Hint: Your immigration status does not decide the matter. Our latest video explains the importance of tax residency and the steps in the Canada-U.S. tax treaty “tie-breaker test” that apply if you are a tax resident under both Canadian and U.S. tax law.

As with any tax situation, the specific facts affect how the law applies and will determine the outcome. The video provides general commentary and is not intended to be legal or tax advice. If you have questions about tax residency, you should seek professional advice. We invite you to contact us to discuss your situation. We can help you assess your situation, review your options, and implement a plan that best achieves your goals.


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