Intense Emotional Release As We Move Toward the Collective Healing of Trauma & Ancestral Lines

Описание к видео Intense Emotional Release As We Move Toward the Collective Healing of Trauma & Ancestral Lines

The Arcturians share an energy update for the next three months. We may be experiencing intense emotional release, such as anxiety, fear, shame and physical pain as we allow ourselves to purge old stories and narratives. Deep ancestral lines are being healed at this time. As we heal our individual traumas - we no longer operate, react, behave and create under the filter of these traumas - thereby allowing us to create newly as healed bodies and souls free from old wounding.

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#healingcollectivetrauma #healingtraumaandspiritualgrowth #powerofhumanpotential #healingancestrallines #cellularhealingfrequencies #selfhealingcollective #healyourheart #risingenergyoflove #bodymindspiritrestoration #spiritualgrowthbeingyourhighestself #emotionalregulation #intensesensations #collectiveshifts #collectivenarratives #perspectiveshiftmatrix #humanpotential #yourfullpotential #yourhighestpotential #powerofthehumanbody #powerofhumanenergy #healingpowersofthehumanbody #lossofindentitygrief #spiritualrebirthsymptoms #emotionalrelease #servicetoselfpath #servicetoothers #worldawakening #channeledguidance #thearcturians #9Darcturiancouncil


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