Powerful Heart Chakra Sound Healing Meditation ~  Binaural Beats ~

Описание к видео Powerful Heart Chakra Sound Healing Meditation ~  Binaural Beats ~

Today my heart is full of deep gratitude for such a great experience last night. 🙏🙏🙏

I invite you to enjoy this sound healing based around the frequency of the heart chakra. Stereo headphones are recommended so that you can get the most out of the Binaural Beats in this music.

This video is actually an extended clip from last night's Sound Healing Experience. If you'd like to experience the full 90 minute event there is an instant replay available from the LINK BELOW.


INSTANT REPLAY: 90min Sound Healing Experience


✨Join us for the next worldwide Sound Healing Experience✨

FREEBIE // Nervous System Reset ~ 1 hour sound healing download: http://bit.ly/nrvsysreset

CD's & Downloads: https://innerselfsustained.biz/

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Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0ubE1...
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/bencarrollmusic

Website: https://www.innerselfsustained.com

"Ben Carroll helps to elevate consciousness and attain states of deep peace by providing sound-based meditations through which he channels divinely inspired sound vibrations that pierce the veil and tear at the fabric of time and space to give one a glimpse of our true multidimensional beingness."

“Ben Carroll is a gifted and intuitive sound worker. As a former full time touring musician and Universal Recording Artist with album sales reaching the hundreds of thousands, Ben has a quite a unique background. As a perpetual student of metaphysics, consciousness, and the effect of sound & vibration on the body & mind, the transition from rock star to sound healer wasn't as far of a leap as one may imagine. For several years now Ben's focus has been on using sound coupled with group energy to strengthen intuition, facilitate healing, access higher dimensions of self, and facilitate the recalibration & expansion of the mind/body/soul connection. His Sound Healing Journeywork events have had a profound effect on many that have had the opportunity to experience them.”

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