Michael Keaton, Batman, and More on Letterman, 1989, 1992

Описание к видео Michael Keaton, Batman, and More on Letterman, 1989, 1992

Michael Keaton guested on Dave to promote his starring role in "Batman" in 1989 and then its sequel "Batman Returns" in 1992. In addition to his appearances are the respective preceding Acts.

1. June 22, 1989. Dave's Bush motorcade story, the night's installment of the LN Crash-Cam with Rick Scheckman as the Guard, Dave Rygalski as Tick Boy, and a Top Ten list. Then Michael comes on to promote "Batman." The show ends with a "Batman" ad and Rick and Tick Boy entering the elevator over a rare full music close.

2. June 19, 1992. Viewer Mail, featuring Biff Henderson, then Larry "Bud" Melman inside Dave's desk drawer. Another Top Ten list, then Michael and "Batman Returns."


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