FASTEST MADRAS YOU WILL EVER MAKE-30 Mins + Mushroom Garlic Rice

Описание к видео FASTEST MADRAS YOU WILL EVER MAKE-30 Mins + Mushroom Garlic Rice

Chicken Madras in 30 minutes is simply a sensational dish. This BIR/Desi hybrid method will give you Indian Restaurant results for the family in a very short amount of time. Follow Al every step of the way as he teaches you what you'll need to know to produce this most magnificent curry.

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Stage 1
Lid off for the first 10 mins.
Stage 2
Lid on for the second 10 mins
Stage 3
Perfecto Zone, lid on until cooked

150ml Veg Oil
1 kg Boneless chicken thighs or Breast
400g Blended onions
3 Tbsp Garlic Ginger
6 Tbsp Tomato puree (mix in extra water to pour)
2.5 Tbsp Mix powder or Mild Madras curry powder
1 Tbsp Extra Hot Chilli powder
1 Tsp Kashmiri chilli powder
1/2 Tbsp Tandoori Masala
2 tsp Dried Methi
Pinch Garam Masala at the end.
4 Tbsp Lemon juice
Squirt Worcestershire Sauce
Add 4 cracked cardamom and also quarter one tomato and throw that in toward the end
2 Tsp - 1TBSP Naga King (optional) I use 1 tbsp, perfect!!
500ml Water
100ml water. On the side to prevent burning if you need it.

Salt to taste. Usually 1 Tsp

(🌟 optional 1 Tbsp Mango chutney and 1 Tbsp Maggi coconut milk powder)

make sure you get the onions cooked right, let then colour with no need to keep tinkering. Add splashes of water to prevent burning.

If the taste isn't right at the end, keep simmering with lid on. Top up liquid if needed.

Music by: Bensound
License code: Y4V0KDDILI1DAYAQ

#cooking #curry #madras


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