(FREE) SoFaygo Type Beat - "Matrix"

Описание к видео (FREE) SoFaygo Type Beat - "Matrix"

download | purchase this beat : https://bsta.rs/3FcV8
(buy 2 get 1 free)

bpm: 145
key: a minor

connect with me!
(  / _prodsky  )
(  / _prodsky  )
📩 [email protected]

beatstore: https://producedbysky.beatstars.com/

this beat is free for non-profit use only. for profit use you have to purchase a license.
you MUST credit (prod. sky) in the title!

my content channel: (   / @prodskyii  )

(FREE) SoFaygo Type Beat - "Matrix"

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#sofaygo #sofaygotypebeat #


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