QuickLook [0897] PC - Astral Gunners

Описание к видео QuickLook [0897] PC - Astral Gunners

Played by Tsunao

Astral Gunners:
[bullet hell!] Shmup by Sati Bros.

Follow a buncha robits as they fight against a bad robit!

Gameplay involves robits shooting things, all with their own arsenal! You have your regular ol' shot button. You have a special button to shoot special things, like homing missiles and a beam. For when enemies love to clog the screen, you have a "guard" button to answer them. NOTE THE QUOTATIONS: one has a shield, one does a side dodge. For the big scoring, you have your "bomb" button. Defeat enemies to build a gauge. Press the button when there's a lot of things on screen to build up a multiplier. Reach 100 multiplier and you go into overload for big points!

This quicklook gets hit by stupid stuff while trying to go deep into the game while playing a few characters.


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