Maria Callas sings the Chaotic Barbiere Ensembles with Olympic Timing

Описание к видео Maria Callas sings the Chaotic Barbiere Ensembles with Olympic Timing

Highlighted comments from the commenters below:
-From Nuri Lidar:
I bet you 100,000 dollars this is how Rossini intended the opera to sound like. No existing words can describe this performance..and mainly Callas' voice. She knows all the roles better than anyone in my opinion, and if you put a couple of performances of different operas sung by Callas, you can almost not realise its the same person as she changes her voice magically to the role she is playing, which makes her voice so special. Brilliant.
-From The Commander:
Her voice sounds so pretty here! Almost girlish.
-From jmiller05:
I keep coming back to this time and time again.... the way Rossini wrote those sudden choral phrases is pure genius

Disclaimer - I own nothing


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