Battle of Nations Australia Team 3 vs Serbia

Описание к видео Battle of Nations Australia Team 3 vs Serbia

Last battle. I quick one against the Serbians who are near the top of the league. This is a controversial battle. Don't blink, the first round is over before you know it! The second isn't much longer but has a dead man walking (remember the rules when you are down you are dead). Our knight in shiny armour is in a power pose to the right of Titanium Man at 3:09. He dances a jig around a Serb at 4:09 and is still standing at the end of the bout. Lucky the bell was called because it wasn't going to be looking good for him. Our Titanium man is carried off on a stretcher after being attacked by the walking dead. Not fair - should have been a red card and re-match. For the Kiwi's watching this, the following Kiwi vs USA battle was also over in a blink. Watch the Aus vs Brazil match - that the best one


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