Satin Bower Bird's Courtship Dance

Описание к видео Satin Bower Bird's Courtship Dance

Wombeyan Caves may well be known for its spectacular caves but did you know this location is also a reserve for endangered species, such as several species of wallaby, bird, possum, and wombat.
I was incredibly lucky to capture this footage of the Satin Bower Bird performing its courtship dance.
Satin Bowerbirds, specifically the males are notorious for their love of blue things.
The adult male has that striking glossy blue-black plumage, and a violet-blue eye.
Males construct their bower, not as a nest, but as a bachelor pad – a place to impress the ladies!
There are usually multiple bowers found in an area (called a lek) and the competing males all try to attract the attention of visiting females.
Their bowers are always constructed on the ground in a north-south direction and they use interlaced sticks.
Blue flowers, berries, bottle tops, pens, pegs and basically anything blue they can find are laid carefully around the bower.
Once he attracts a female with his decorating skills, he also performs a ritualistic dance.
If she is impressed, she will mate with him but that is where their relationship ends.
He waits for the next female to come along, she goes off and builds a nest and raises her young (usually a clutch of 2 or 3), alone.
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